

The App That Keeps This College Student from Skipping Class (Mostly)

Empowering College Students to Manage Attendance with Ease Kalculate is a mobile app designed to revolutionize the way VIT college students manage their attendance.

Tools used
Lead UI/UX Designer , Product Manager
May 2024
Figma , Notion

Case Study : Kalculate - The App That Keeps This College Student from Skipping Class (Mostly)

It's not a you problem, it's a me problem [ Overview of the problem ] :

It's 2:10 PM. I'm standing outside the lecture hall , thinking whether I should go in and spend an hour of my time listening to a professor read of the slides of the presentation that was made 5 years and ago , and being repurposed every year. I pull out my calculator app to calculate my attendance and while I wait for my college's website to load the details of my attendance for the class , my friends drag me in. I soon later learn I didn't need to attend. There went an hour of my time where instead I could have been getting some well deserved sleep.

A week later , I'm trying to figure out where my class is scheduled , but the college website wouldn't load. I spent the next 10 minutes peaking into the room of every class looking for a familiar face of my faculty. After a thousand '' Excuse Me's '' , and '' Sorry '' I found the right class.

This isn't a problem that only I face but all of my fellow college mates aswell. We struggled to keep track of Our attendance, constantly juggling classes, trips, and the ever-looming threat of debarment.

The Challenge

Keeping track of attendance and planning trips or holidays around classes can be a constant challenge for college students. Many students often over or under-shoot the attendance requirements due to poor planning, leading to unnecessary stress and potential academic consequences. Additionally, the slow internet access in academic buildings made it difficult for students to quickly view their class timetables when needed.

The Features

1.Automated Attendance Tracking: No more manual data entry. Kalculate automatically pulls attendance data from the college's VTOP VIT website, so you can spend less time trying logging in and more time (trying to) pay attention in class.

Simple Onboarding process to track your attendance with either by logging in or using an extension to sync your attendance
Point to note , we wanted to divert as many users to use the automated version rather than the manual version , the manual version is for privacy concerned users

2.Attendance Visualization: Ever wonder how many classes you can skip before your professor start's emailing you? With easy-to-read attendance reports by subject, date range, or specific day.

With the use of widgets and color coded information for whether a class has been attended or not

3.Holiday and Trip Planning: Kalculate's  will tell you exactly how many classes you can miss before important deadlines like exams. No more last-minute cancellations or frantic rescheduling.

Day Wise Flow to Edit Class attendence

4.Offline Timetable Access: Because we all know the struggle of trying to load the college website when the Wi-Fi is moving at the speed of a sleepy sloth, Kalculate stores your timetable offline for instant access.

5.Accommodating Different Class Types: Whether you're a regular student or one taking a make-up semester, Kalculate has you covered. The app seamlessly handles the unique schedules of both groups, ensuring that everyone can stay on top of their attendance requirements.
